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Monday, October 21, 2019

Loker - Proyek PMC dan Insinyur Listrik dan Traksi (E and Ten )

Sekarang, Kami Mempekerjakan !!, PT. INDRA KARYA (PERSERO) Konsultan Manajemen Proyek (PMC) untuk Koridor LRT Jakarta 1 Fase 2A mencari kandidat untuk mengisi lowongan untuk posisi-posisi berikut: (SEBUAH). KELAS AHLI 1. Wakil Direktur Proyek (DP) 2. Ahli Hukum (LE) 3. Pakar Trackwork (TE) 4. Ahli Listrik & Traksi (E&T) 5. Resident Engineer Railway System (RERS) 6. Asisten Resident Engineer Railway System (AR-RERS) 7. SHE Manager (SHE) 8. Ahli Arsitektur (ADALAH) 9. Ahli Struktur Sipil dan Bangunan (CBS) 10. Ahli Geoteknik (GTE) 11. Ahli MEP (MEP) 12. Arsitektur Resident Engineer (RE-AR)) 13. Resident Engineer Civil (RE-CV) 14. Asisten Residen Insinyur Sipil (AR-CV) 15. Resident Engineer MEP (RE-MEP) 16. Asisten Resident Engineer MEP (AR-MEP) 17. Resident Engineer Rolling Stock (RE-RS) 18. Manajer Kontrak (CMG) 19. Ahli QS (QS) 20. Ahli Kendali Biaya (CCE) 21. Ahli Pengadaan (PRE) 22. Project Control Manager (PCM) 23. Penjadwal (SCH) 24. Manajer Dukungan Proyek (PSM) 25. Stakeholder Manager (STM) 26. Ahli Utilitas (UTE) 27. Pakar Pengalihan Lalu Lintas (TDE) 28. Ahli Hubungan dan Komunikasi Pemerintah (GRLC) 29. Ahli Pelatihan (TRE)

(B). KELAS ENGINEER 1. Trackwork Engineer (TEN) 2. Insinyur Listrik & Traksi (E & TEN) 3. Pensinyalan dan Insinyur PSD (SPSD) 4. AFC dan Teknisi Telekomunikasi (AFC) 5. Insinyur SCADA / BMS (SCA) 6. System Assurance Engineer (SAE) 7. Sistem Kereta Api Petugas Keselamatan (SO-RS) 8. Sistem Kereta Api Petugas Lingkungan (EO-RS) 9. Arsitek (ACT) 10. Insinyur Sipil (CVE) 11. Insinyur Geoteknik (GTEN) 12. Alignment Engineer (ALEN) 13. Insinyur MEP (MEPEN) 14. Divisi Sipil Petugas Keselamatan (SO-CD) 15. Divisi Sipil Pejabat Lingkungan (EO-CD) 16. Rolling Stock Engineer (RSEN) 17. Insinyur Sistem Saham Bergulir (RSSEN) 18. Insinyur Operasi Saham Guling (RSOEN) 19. Interface Engineer (IEN) 20. Teknisi Operasi T&C (T&CO) 21. Insinyur Sertifikasi Sistem Kereta Api (RSCEN) 22. Insinyur Sertifikasi Stock Kereta Api (RSTCEN) 23. RAMS Engineer (RAMS) 24. Insinyur QS (QSEN) 25. Insinyur Pembayaran Kemajuan (PP) 26. Engineer Pengadaan (PMT) 27. Insinyur Risiko (RISIKO) 28. Kontrol Dokumen (DOC) 29. Spesialis BIM (BIM) 30. Utility Engineer (UT) 31. Insinyur Traffict (TRF) 32. Insinyur Hubungan dan Komunikasi Pemerintah (GRLC-EN) 33. Petugas Pelatihan (TREN)

Persyaratan: 1. Gelar sarjana dalam bidang teknik atau disiplin terkait (A, B). 2. Min 18 tahun total pengalaman & 5 tahun di bidang terkait Proyek Kereta Api setara dengan TA UTAMA / SKA UTAMA (A). 3. Min 8 tahun total pengalaman & setahun di bidang terkait Proyek Kereta Api setara dengan TA MADYA / SKA MADYA (B). 3. Minimal 5 tahun dalam simillar pisition (A). 4. Min 2 tahun dalam posisi simillar (B). 5. Pengalaman dalam Konsultan Manajemen Proyek dan Aspek Kereta Api (A, B) 5. Calon harus dapat mengatur, berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dalam tim Pengembangan Proyek secara proaktif dan kohesif. 6. Fasih berbahasa Inggris adalah nilai tambah. Jika Anda berpikir bahwa Anda memiliki kompetensi dan pengalaman untuk posisi di atas, silakan kirim CV terbaru Anda ke cc: Dengan email subjek: Name_Code of Positions exp: Irfan Bachdim_CVE Tutup: 27 Okt 2019

Now, We Are Hiring!!,
On Project Management Consultant (PMC) for LRT Jakarta Corridor 1 Phase 2A is seeking candidates to fill vacancies for the following positions:

1. Deputy Project Director (DP)
2. Legal Expert (LE)
3. Trackwork Expert (TE)
4. Electrical & Traction Expert (E&T)
5. Resident Engineer Railway System (RERS)
6. Assistant Resident Engineer Railway System (AR-RERS)
7. SHE Manager (SHE)
8. Architecture Expert (ARE)
9. Civil and Building Structure Expert (CBS)
10. Geotechnical Expert (GTE)
11. MEP Expert (MEP)
12. Resident Engineer Architecture (RE-AR))
13. Resident Engineer Civil (RE-CV)
14. Assistant Resident Engineer Civil (AR-CV)
15. Resident Engineer MEP (RE-MEP)
16. Assistant Resident Engineer MEP (AR-MEP)
17. Resident Engineer Rolling Stock (RE-RS)
18. Contract Manager (CMG)
19. QS Expert (QS)
20. Cost Control Expert (CCE)
21. Procurement Expert (PRE)
22. Project Control Manager (PCM)
23. Scheduler (SCH)
24. Project Support Manager (PSM)
25. Stakeholder Manager (STM)
26. Utility Expert (UTE)
27. Traffic Diversion Expert (TDE)
28. Government Relation and Communication Expert (GRLC)
29. Training Expert (TRE)

1. Trackwork Engineer (TEN)
2. Electrical & Traction Engineer (E&TEN)
3. Signalling and PSD Engineer (SPSD)
4. AFC and Telecommunication Engineer (AFC)
5. SCADA/BMS Engineer (SCA)
6. System Assurance Engineer (SAE)
7. Safety Officer Railway System (SO-RS)
8. Environment Officer Railway System (EO-RS)
9. Architect (ACT)
10. Civil Engineer (CVE)
11. Geotechnical Engineer (GTEN)
12. Alignment Engineer (ALEN)
13. MEP Engineer (MEPEN)
14. Safety Officer Civil Division (SO-CD)
15. Environment Officer Civil Division (EO-CD)
16. Rolling Stock Engineer (RSEN)
17. Rolling Stock System Engineer (RSSEN)
18. Rolling Stock Operation Engineer (RSOEN)
19. Interface Engineer (IEN)
20. T & C Operation Engineer (T&CO)
21. Railway System Certification Engineer (RSCEN)
22. Railway Stock Certification Engineer (RSTCEN)
23. RAMS Engineer (RAMS)
24. QS Engineer (QSEN)
25. Progress Payment Engineer (PP)
26. Procurement Engineer (PMT)
27. Risk Engineer (RISK)
28. Document Control (DOC)
29. BIM Spesialist (BIM)
30. Utility Engineer (UT)
31. Traffict Engineer (TRF)
32. Government Relation and Communication Engineer (GRLC-EN)
33. Training Officer (TREN)

1. Bachelor degree in engineering or a related discipline (A,B).
2. Min 18 years of total experiences & 5 years on related field of Railway Project equivalent to TA UTAMA/SKA UTAMA (A).
3. Min 8 years of total experiences & a year on related field of Railway Project equivalent to TA MADYA/SKA MADYA (B).
3. Min 5 years in simillar pisition (A).
4. Min 2 years in simillar position (B).
5. Experience in Project Management Consultant and Railway Aspect (A,B)
5. The candidate shall be able to organise, communicate and coordinate within the Project Development team in a proactive and cohesive manner.
6. Fluent in English is a plus.

If you think that you have competence and experience for position above, kindly please send your latest CV to cc:
With subject email: Name_Code of Positions exp: Irfan Bachdim_CVE

Close: 27 Oct 2019

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